Thursday, April 1, 2010

Squashed Lemon!

So you may have noticed it's been a bit quiet on the old lemon front.

This is mainly due to the fact that Mark and I are splitting as a creative team. He has decided to pursue other ventures so I am a lonely Lemon. It's a shame as we have done quite well, but it's exciting to see where I'll end up next.

We are staying as a team at Wunderman for the time being, but I am on the hunt for a new partner.

Although I'm a copywriter here, I feel as though I'm an art director at heart. My ideal job would be to do both, but that doesn't seem to really happen.

So if you know anyone, or fancy teaming up yourself, please get in touch at

Follow my new blog here or stalk me on twitter here

Thanks to all our followers over the past year :)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Really sorry to hear you guys are splitting up! I'm sure you will easily find a new partner though. What is Mark going to do instead?

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